Posted on Sat 01 February 2020 in misc
A Digital Twin Description Framework and Its Mapping to Asset Administration Shell Bentley Oakes, Ali Parsai, Bart Meyers, Istvan David, Simon Van Mierlo, Serge Demeyer, Joachim Denil, Paul De Meulenaere, and Hans Vangheluwe. MODELSWARD 2021, MODELSWARD 2022: Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. Springer, 2023. bibtex pdf publisher
Improving Digital Twin Experience Reports Bentley Oakes, Ali Parsai, Simon Van Mierlo, Serge Demeyer, Joachim Denil, Paul De Meulenaere, and Hans Vangheluwe. Proceedings of MODELSWARD 2021: 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. SciTePress, 2021. bibtex pdf publisher
Formal Verification of Developer Tests: A Research Agenda Inspired by Mutation Testing Serge Demeyer, Ali Parsai, Sten Vercammen, Brent van Bladel, and Mehrdad Abdi. Proceedings of ISoLA 2020: International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods. Springer, 2020. bibtex pdf publisher
Mutant Density: A Measure of Fault-Sensitive Complexity Ali Parsai and Serge Demeyer. Proceedings of ICSE 2020 Workshops: SoHEAL. IEEE/ACM, 2020. bibtex pdf publisher
Comparing Mutation Coverage Against Branch Coverage in an Industrial Setting Ali Parsai and Serge Demeyer. Foundation for Mastering Change, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer. Springer, 2020. bibtex pdf publisher
Automating TEST Case Design, Selection, and Evaluation Report on 10 Editions of A-TEST Workshop Tanja Vos, Wishnu Prasetya, Sigrid Eldh, Sinem Getir, Ali Parsai, and Pekka Aho. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. ACM, 2020. bibtex pdf publisher
Do Null-Type Mutation Operators Help Prevent Null-Type Faults? Ali Parsai and Serge Demeyer. Proceedings of SOFSEM 2019: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Springer, 2019. bibtex pdf publisher
C++11/14 Mutation Operators Based on Common Fault Patterns Ali Parsai, Serge Demeyer, and Seph De Busser. Proceedings of the 30th IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems. Springer, 2018. bibtex pdf publisher
Dynamic Mutant Subsumption Analysis using LittleDarwin Ali Parsai and Serge Demeyer. Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Automated Software Testing. ACM, 2017. bibtex pdf publisher
LittleDarwin: a Feature-Rich and Extensible Mutation Testing Framework for Large and Complex Java Systems Ali Parsai, Alessandro Murgia, and Serge Demeyer. Proceedings of the 7th IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering. Springer 2017. bibtex pdf publisher
A Model to Estimate First-Order Mutation Coverage from Higher-Order Mutation Coverage Ali Parsai, Alessandro Murgia, and Serge Demeyer. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security. IEEE, 2016. bibtex pdf publisher
Evaluating Random Mutant Selection at Class-Level in Projects with Non-Adequate Test Suites Ali Parsai, Alessandro Murgia, and Serge Demeyer. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. ACM, 2016. bibtex pdf publisher
Mutation Testing as a Safety Net for Test Suite Refactoring Ali Parsai, Alessandro Murgia, Quinten D. Soetens, and Serge Demeyer. Scientific Workshop Proceedings of XP 2015. ACM, 2015. bibtex pdf publisher
Considering Polymorphism in Change-Based Test Suite Reduction Ali Parsai, Quinten D. Soetens, Alessandro Murgia, and Serge Demeyer. Agile Methods. Large-Scale Development, Refactoring, Testing, and Estimation. Springer, 2014. bibtex pdf publisher